Program Summary

The Boca Raton, Florida
Island Ventures, Santa Catalina Island - California
Loews Hotels at Universal Orlando Resort

Are you thinking about spending Summer in the USA?
Yummy Jobs Summer Programs offer the life changing opportunity for university students to spend their summer break living, working and earning in the United States. This program allows for unique cultural interactions and experiences, whilst participants gain valuable experience with paid work at some of the best hospitality organisations throughout the U.S. - without the hassle of finding a job and housing. As part of the J-1 Visa, participants also receive a 30-day travel period upon completion of the program, which allows students to explore some of the U.S' most famous destinations.
What more could you want from your Summer break? 
Still need persuading? Hear from our Yummy Alumni on their thoughts!
Let Yummy Jobs take you on an amazing U.S adventure... #MYYUMMYSTORY